23 October 2009

Lovey Bears Party

The bears party begins....they're called Lovey Bears, characterized by orange hearts on their chests.

Here's the Reading Lovey who doesn't like to read but loves day-dreaming.

Lollipop Lovey, oh can you give me one of your lollipops?

What else should be owned by Cupcake Lovey, if not a cupcake?

Burger Lovey loves big Mac with more greens and cheese......

Love is in the air! Hehe...how sweet she is.

Oh, balloons, every kid's dream is in the balloon, please give me a ride to the sky!
The creation of Lovey bears is indeed a trip down memory lane to Amy or perhaps she has never grown up. :)


  1. Oh' so cute little bears! I love all of them. Wish someone also send me like that. Keep posting!


  2. So cute! I like it. Wish someone also give me like that. Thanks for sharing keep posting.



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