11 June 2012

Pastel Colours On Children Birthday Cakes

Recently I start to fall in love with the ussage of pastel colours in children birthday cakes. They tend to leave an ever lasting impact on the cake design. You simply can't get bored of it by looking your cake pictures over and over again.

On health basis, pastel colours leave lesser colour pigments in icing too, though edible and FDA approved, these pigments are still considered chemicals, lesser is better, especially to the kids.

Hence, you may see a series of children cakes from us in pastel colours from now onwards.

Trying to do little flowers painting on the sugar fonts too. It adds girliness to the cake for Klaire, a 1 year old girl. Here's the whole cake, the toppers mimics Klaire's favourite soft toys, adding personality to the cake.

If you agree with the use of pastel colours on cakes for small kids, let me know by leaving a comment., ok?


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